Effective Ways To Treat a Dry Nose


December 13, 2019


Effective Ways to Treat a Dry Nose

When the temperatures drop in the winter, you may experience some illnesses such as the flu, strep throat, or a cold. A dry nose is another illness you may suffer from during the holiday season. Learn about some effective ways to treat a dry nose.


One of the main reasons you may suffer from a dry nose is because there isn’t enough humidity in your home during the winter. That’s why a humidifier in your bedroom can be an effective treatment for a dry nose because it disperses water into the air. If you need other ways to boost the humidity in your home, you can also take a warm bath or shower to get moisture in the air.

Nasal Spray

Another popular option for treating a dry nose is to use a nasal spray. Nasal spray is commonly used to treat allergies, but you can get saline over-the-counter nasal spray for dry nose. A saline nasal spray will get rid of all the dirt, dust, and pollen that may cause your dry nose.


Drinking more than the suggested amount of water daily can help treat many symptoms, and dry nose is one of them. The reason for this is because sugary beverages such as soda can cause dehydration, and this can make dryness in your nose worse. It’s best to stick to water.

Use Moisturizing Products

You can also use moisturizers, such as petroleum jelly, to sooth your dry nose. Just take a little bit of petroleum jelly with your finger and place it around the inside of your nose to keep it moisturized. When you do use a moisturizer, just take care with how often you use it and the amount you use.

See a Specialist

If your dry nose persists for several days, you should visit one of our many Houston area locations to include Clear Lake, so you can get the proper treatment. While a dry nose on its own isn’t a serious medical condition, your dry nose may only be a symptom of a more serious issue.

This entry was posted in Sinus on December 13, 2019 by AENT Team.

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