Allergy & ENT Associates Education Hub

Find short reads with a wealth of information about allergies, asthma, ENT complications, and more.

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How Do I Know if it’s Time for Tubes for My Child?

It’s tough seeing your little one suffer from recurring ear infections. You’ve tried every remedy under the sun, yet they…

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Ear Tubes, Septoplasty & Tonsil Removal, OH MY!

Ever had that annoying feeling of constantly blocked ears, trouble breathing through your nose or a sore throat that just…

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Food Allergies Can Peak in Summer Months! Why?

Yep, it’s true. At Allergy & ENT Associates, we’ve seen a spike in food allergy cases when the temperature rises.…

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Tips for Keeping Cool and Your Allergy Symptoms at Bay

Managing the heat of Texas summers and your allergy symptoms is no small feat. At Allergy & ENT Associates we…

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Fact or Fiction: Can Heat Affect Your Allergies and Make Them Worse?

Q: Does hot weather really make allergies worse? A: Fact! High temperatures can exacerbate symptoms. When it’s hot, plants release…

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How High Temperatures Affect Your Seasonal Allergies

Summer is preheating and those temperatures alone can feel oppressive. Did you know that those scorching days can actually make…

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Mythbusters – Does Local Honey Relieve Allergies?

What’s the Buzz? Does Local Honey Actually Help Allergies? You’ve heard the age-old adage about local honey and its effectiveness…

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Allergy Shots vs. Allergy Drops – What’s Best For Me

If you spend half the year sneezing, sniffling and itching due to allergies, you’ve probably considered every option out there…

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Hay Fever Causes and Remedies

Breathe Easy: A Hay Fever Q&A We’ve been fielding your allergy questions, Houston …. and we have answers! Here’s a…

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What Causes Hay Fever – And How to Treat It

Breathe Easier: Conquer Hay Fever in Houston Springtime in Houston … where the patio beckons with cool drinks and the…

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