Heavy Grass Pollen


June 15, 2019


Grass Pollen Allergy, Katy, TXYou may have gotten away with avoiding cutting your grass for the past six months, but now that summer is finally almost there if you haven’t already mowed your lawn, then your neighbors may be a little embarrassed. If however, you suffer from grass pollen allergies, then you may not only be avoiding this Saturday chore because you’d rather be doing something a little more fun, but you may be avoiding it because it can make you more than miserable. So, what can you do to find some relief from those nasty allergies? Let’s take a closer look at some of the basics of grass pollen.

What Are the Symptoms of allergies?

  • Just like with all sorts of allergies, symptoms of grass pollen allergies include:
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Congestion

What Makes allergies Worse?

Tall Grass

Believe it or not fresh cut grass is way better for your allergies than long, overgrown grass. Pollen comes out of the top part of grass where it starts to fan out, so, if your grass is too short for your grass to sprout, then you are less likely to get allergies. If you feel like every time that you cut your lawn, though, that you are a sneeze fest, then consider hiring someone to do it for you (or bribe your kids).

Windy Days

Wind may be suitable for a sexy photo shoot, but when it comes to your allergies is it’s the last thing that you want to deal with. Wind will stir up the pollen in the air and blow it around so that no matter how hard you try to escape it, it’s still there.

What Can You Do about allergies?

The first thing that you should do if you think that you have grass pollen allergies is to come into our office for testing. Then, from there, if you test positive, we can work out a treatment plan so that you don’t have to spend the rest of the summer hiding inside.

Are you ready to learn more about allergies and how we can help you find some relief? Contact our office today and call [vanityphone].

This entry was posted in Allergy on June 15, 2019 by AENT Team.

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